Friday, July 28, 2017

Louisiana's Republican Representatives In The U.S. Congress Have Hit Rock Bottom

All of Louisiana's republican reps in the U.S. House of congress voted for the American Health Care Act a few months ago which would have repealed and replaced the ACA.  The CBO report on the bill pointed out how damaging that bill would be to health care and the millions of people who would lose their insurance.

And now just this week the U.S. Senate, thanks to all the democrats and 7 republican  senators voted to kill the latest version of the republican party's health care  bill called "The Obamacare Repeal Reconcillation Act" by a vote of 45-55.  If passed the legislation would have left 17 million with out insurance in the first year and 32 million over the next 10 years.  The bill would have become effective in 2020 pending a replacement.

Louisiana's two U.S. Senators, John Kennedy and Bill Cassidy voted for the bill even though it did not meet Cassidy's own test.  He and Kennedy were just conservative ditto heads who followed the republican leadership.  Cassidy came up with the lame excuse the 2020 effective date would give the party enough time to craft a suitable replacement.  What a bunch of crap from a republican and party who has lied about its health care plans for 7 years and still not even close.

The republican controlled Senate is now saying they will try to pass a SKINNY health care plan bill this week which still has the same problem as their other lies and in fact creates other problems.  The party are the lying liars of health care and Louisiana's republican representation in congress have been just a bunch of ditto heads who care nothing about health care, Louisiana or its people.  Their voting record and their actions say it all.  Louisiana and its people miss the representation of former U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu big time.

Special Note:  Late last night into the early morning the republican's SKINNY health care bill was voted on   and defeated 51-49.  All 48 democratic Senators voted no as did three republican Senators.  The defeat ends the issue for the time being and again Louisiana's two U.S. Senators, Kennedy and Cassidy voted for the SKINNY bill and continued their conservative ditto head march behind Trump and the republican leadership and their vote said to hell with Louisiana.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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