Sunday, July 2, 2017

Trump's Presidential Merry-Go-Round: Where It Stops, No One Knows

This past week the cry baby President lashed out at the news media again in personal attacks and in general comments in keeping up with his fake news that he originated during the campaign.  It is his merry-go-round to divide the people and attempt to hide his failure as a President and as a man.  His tweets re-confirm he is an unstable President with corrupt values.

Trump's latest merry-go-round position on health care, namely, repeal now and replace later, is a dizzy attempt to cover up his and the republicans big lie concerning the ACA and their lack of a real health plan.  Trumps own health plan that he spoke about for over a year and said he would introduce before the end of this past March has not seen the light of day because he lied about having one in the first place. And now since the republican controlled senate had to delay their vote on their health plan because a lack of support from their own party, Trump now wants to repeal now and replace later leaving millions without insurance.

According to the latest poll, less than 20% of those polled support the senate's health plan.  Health care is an issue that can be defined as a visible link between  the republican party, Trump, their out right lies and their inability to govern.  Their ideology is a block on making decisions based on what is best for America.  In the mean time, nothing else is being accomplished by Trump and the republican controlled congress.

The merry-go-round in the White House is the work of a tainted President and cry baby business man who is still unfit to be President and Commander in Chief.  And after more than 5 months in office, there is no end in sight where or when it will come to an end.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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