Saturday, August 5, 2017

Another First For PolitiDose. They Just Keep Piling Up

There are two political commentaries published in the Times Picayune of 8/2/17.  One by Paul Krugman, the other by Cal Thomas.  Krugman is a political science and economic professor and Thomas often identifies himself with religious matters.  Thomas' commentary are extreme most of the time while Krugman's commentary are about facts.

The title of Krugman's article was, "The right's intellectual and moral collapse" and concerned the lies of Trump and the republicans in congress on dealing with the ACA and their attempt to repeal and replace it.  Krugman points out they were caught in their own web of lies.  He also wrote about the republicans lies in their support of supply side economics (trickle down economics that this writer has commented on many times) and show their motive was political strategy and not sound policy or economics.  They were just looking for something to help them win elections.  They knew tax cuts for the wealthy was no economic plan.  Krugman also told how the republicans lies started long ago.  And if all that sounds familiar its because you read it here first in PolitiDose on more than one occasion and long ago.

Thomas' commentary titled, "The President is not the enemy," claims a democratic-republican establishment and the media has overwhelmed Trump with investigations and media Molotov cocktails.  Thomas does not like what is being said about Trump because it is true and reality compared to the ditto heads like Thomas who accept Trump's lies and his disgraceful talk about America's institutions.  In fact, listen to this line in Thomas article.  BETTER TO BUILD UP THIS PRESIDENT AND THE GOOD HE CAN DO, AS HE IS THE ONLY PRESIDENT WE HAVE.'  That sentence by Thomas is so hypocritical because of his personal attacks against President Obama for 8 years.  President Obama was the only President we had at the time also, but that did not stop Thomas for trying to tear down President Obama.

Thomas is still the right wing conservative writer who had no respect for President Obama and now supports a President who respects no one and even makes excuses for Trump.  President Trump is at the root of his self made problems and he and the republican party are showing their inability to govern.  But as usual, Thomas and other republicans always find an excuse to blame some one else for the failure of their ideology.

A good President left office in January of this year and left the country in good shape for President Trump.  Unfortunately, Trump and the republican party decided on a regressive course for the country and have no major accomplishments after 6 plus months on the job.  Their tough talk was for show.  And now we are learning that in January Trump in a phone conversation with Mexico's president asked him not to make any statements in public about Mexico not paying for the wall because it would hurt Trump politically.  Trump also told him the wall was unimportant but important because Trump himself made a political issue of the wall.  In other words, President Trump, a great business man according to his own mouth, was a fraud on the matter and sought Mexico's help in getting him off the hook for some thing he himself started.

Yes, Thomas' article is old news, the facts have been told much earlier here in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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