Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Like The Republicans Before Him, President Trump Threatens To Shut Down The Federal Government

President Donald Trump, taking his cue from previous republicans has threatened to shut down the U.S. Government if congress does not fund and build his WALL.  And I feel sure readers of PolitiDose know what WALL the liar is talking about.  Yes, its the WALL across Mexico and that country's President just reminded Trump again his country would never pay for such a WALL.

The republicans who control both houses of congress could put an end to that talk quickly if they really wanted too, but they will not confront Trump's big lie because they lack any and all policy to do so.  Trump's threat is no policy and is a tactic to satisfy his base who support his lies.  In the mean time all this talk is playing out while congress is out of session and Trump is tweeting up a storm.

Trump has been in office over seven months with still no major accomplishments and a job approval rating around 35%.  His signature promise to repeal and replace the ACA has failed, he wants the U.S. to now pay for his WALL and will not even submit his own tax reform proposal to congress for debate.  Instead he is leaving tax reform to congress.

The people of Louisiana should remember the last time the republicans in congress threatened to shut down the federal government, Louisiana's representatives in congress at the time voted to shut the government down if the ACA was not included in the bill.  They were Bill Cassidy, David Vitter, Steve Scalise and John Fleming who voted against the CR that would have kept the government open.

Robert Reich, the former Labor Secretary during the Clinton administration said it best last week when he said Trump has to go now and that our country could not endure 41 more months of Donald Trump and spelled out the reasons Trump should be impeached.

It all adds up to a President with out leadership, morals and the qualifications to be President of the United States.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Note:  This writer is back once again writing commentary after 5 days in Gulf Shores, Alabama so stay tuned.

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