Monday, August 14, 2017

Mayor Mitch Landrieu Steps Up To The Plate

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu declared the "buck ultimately stops with me" concerning the recent flooding and the S&WB's problems and outlined what steps he has taken so far and what future steps he will take to change the direction of the way the S&WB operates.  This writer was not surprised by Landrieu's statement because the Mayor has never been a politician who passed the buck while serving in elected office.  And Democrats are so much better accepting responsibility than their republican colleges.  The electorate knows where democrats stand on the issues.

Recent republican buck passing should be fresh in people's mind and especially in Louisiana.  President Trump blamed Mitch McConnell and three other republicans for failing to repeal and replace the ACA even though Trump's position was it would be easy with a republican President and republicans in control of congress and do it in a short period of time.  Louisiana's U.S Senator, Bill Cassidy would not tell Louisiana how he would vote on his party's health care plan because he said he had not read all the plan.  But he voted for it and knew he would all along.  John Kennedy, Louisiana's other U.S. Senator, voted for it also and always knew he would also.

The record speaks for itself when it comes to republicans passing the buck and blaming others for events that happen on their watch.  Landrieu has less than a year left in office and he will do the right thing to correct the problems and fully define the deficiency of the S&WB.  The total problem won't be solved on his watch because 30 years of neglect is not correctable in a short time span.  But a serious start will take place and the Mayor will keep the people up to date and involved.

How does this writer know that?  Because Landrieu is a serious public servant who cares and the good and positive things he has accomplished while in office, out weigh the negatives by far.  And a future S&WB will be better than the past because Mayor Landrieu bit the bullet.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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