Thursday, September 14, 2017

Tim Morris Joins Donald Trump In The Blame Game As Usual

This time with his opinion column in the Times Picayune dated 9/8 titled, "Obama's Overreach Created Immigration Showdown."  Morris does not like the reaction by the public concerning Trump's actions on DACA so he blames Obama.  It is typical of conservative opinion writers and republicans to blame any thing negative that happens on the republican watch on the democrats.  Trump punted the issue to congress because he has failed to send any immigration plan to congress like he talked about in the campaign.

The fact of the matter is the democratic controlled Senate passed immigration reform during Obama's administration with 7 republican Senators voting with the democratic majority.  That sent the bill to the republican controlled House and their leader at the time John Boehner never took up the bill, not even for debate and he let it die.  Obama asked congress at the time to send him an immigration bill and the democrats did their part.  The republicans in the House failed to do their part and as a result President Obama used his executive powers to create DACA.

Morris says in his column that congress is the place for immigration reform.  He is right on that and then ignored the fact that the republicans controlled both houses of congress during Obama' last two years in office and still failed to take up the issue even though Obama wanted them to do so.  If any one created immigration showdown it is because of the republicans in congress and their failure to act.

Trump boxed his own self in during the campaign when he said if elected he would deport 12 million immigrants.  During the republicans Presidential debates his opponents laughed at that silly statement and now as President can not keep his promise so he has punted immigration to congress.  But Morris, like a good ditto head, will continue to blame democrats for Trumps and the republicans failures on immigration reform.

Note:  The immigration bill passed by the Senate provided increased funds for border security and controls and was a good bill.  All Trump and the republican controlled congress has to do is re-introduce the democratic immigration bill and debate the issue with changes if necessary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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