Monday, October 30, 2017

A Worthwhile Partnership For Louisiana, Its Workers and Industry

The New Orleans Advocate of 10/30 carried a story concerning the introduction of a work program between Delgado Community College and Entergy New Orleans called The Louisiana Certified Line Worker Training Program.  Entergy contributed $50,000 to Delgado to support the new program which was developed through a partnership between the Louisiana Energy Workplace Consortium and the Louisiana Community and Technical College System.

With the need of skilled trained line workers in the future the consortium came together and was instrumental in developing the programs's curriculum and designing the training facilities.  The 26 week evening program at Delgado and Fletcher Community College will begin in January.  Graduates of the 26 week program will receive certification, be qualified for employment as a line helper and receive job placement assistance.

The partnership between industry and Louisiana's education system should be given top priority so our citizens can be trained to fill the jobs that are necessary to keep up with the skills needed in today's business world.  It is money well spent by business and the state especially since Louisiana is ranked so low on the job skill ladder, pay and the economy.  It is one of the best avenue for big time progress and for those who can not attend a four year college.

The state of California has been involved in this type partnership for many years and the state and its people have been on the cutting edge of economic progress, job creation and good paying jobs.  It is a proven economic tool for the future and Louisiana's elected officials should embrace the partnership as an ongoing program.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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