Thursday, October 5, 2017

Louisiana's Republican Representative in The U.S. House Steve Scalise and The Fox News Network Deserve Each Other

Steve Scalise told the host of Fox that people should be praying for the people in Las Vegas instead of making a political statement about gun control.  But there was Scalise making his own political statement concerning gun control and the second amendment and revealing his hypocrisy.  Scalise, the self proclaimed conservative just don't understand real people can pray and at the same time express their opinion on a subject matter important to the country and its people.

Scalise went on to say he supports the 2nd. amendment and then followed the same theme the NRA preaches that people need guns to protect themselves and its the best answer to a bad guy with a gun.  Well there were more police officers with guns in Las Vegas on Sunday but they did not stop the murder of 59 people and the wounding of 500 more.  The ditto head story about a good guy with a gun is as phony as Scalise's position.

Scalise and the republican party are in the pockets of the NRA and the gun lobby and the contributions they receive from both groups tell the sad story.  It was the republican administration of George W. Bush that allowed the assault weapons ban to expire even though it did the job it was supposed to do.

At the time of the Las Vegas shooting the republican controlled House was taking up a NRA proposal to ease regulations on gun silencers.  A republican House panel handling the proposal backed the bill and lawmakers were expected to move ahead on the bill according to the Associated Press.  After the carnage in Las Vegas republican speaker of the House Paul Ryan announced there's no plan for the House to act on the NRA's sponsored bill soon.

Hillary Clinton spoke out about the bill  and said just think how many more might have been killed in Las Vegas if the shooter had a silencer.  Like automatic weapons silencers have no place in the hands of civilians.  Unless pressure is applied to elected officials, the GOP will surely bring up the NRA backed silencer bill at a later date.

As this writer has expressed in previous commentary, congress has to pass a ban on all automatic and semi automatic weapons.  Its the right thing to do under the circumstances.  Those weapons do not belong in the hands of civilians, not even hunters because hunting is a sport and those weapons take the sport out of the sport.  Steve Scalise and the republican party represents the NRA and the gun lobby and not the safety of the American people.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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