Monday, October 2, 2017

Louisiana's Republican Representatives In Congress Are A Sad Pitiful Lot.

All of Louisiana's representatives in the U.S. House and Senate supported the three health care bills that were rejected so far this year, including the senate's bill they pulled last week.  They did so knowing if passed it would have hurt Louisiana severely and they did so even though they knew the health care bills were a fraud, a scheme and a lie.

Now comes Louisiana's representative in the U.S. House Garret Graves of Baton Rouge in a Times Picayune article of 10/1 who says Trump should not have suspended the Jones Act which will allow foreign ships to deliver relief to Puerto Rico in regard to the crisis on that island due to Hurricane Marie.  Graves says Trump's action took American jobs and sent them overseas.  Yet Graves knew all along that is what Trump and his business has been doing for years with factories in foreign countries including China and Mexico where he hires cheap labor.

Graves knew it when Trump was a candidate and he knew the trumpet man as President has a conflict of interest but still supports Trump.  Graves is also one of Louisiana's reps who voted for the U.S. House health care scheme.  If Graves is really concerned about U.S. jobs, I would suggest he tell the trumpet man to move his foreign manufacturing plants to the United States.

The hypocrisy that define Louisiana's republicans is breath taking.  They care nothing about Louisiana and its people and are willing to continue their lies and schemes.  They are also willing to be ditto heads for the trumpet man.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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