Sunday, November 12, 2017

Another Big First For PolitiDose: And Three Times At That

The Times Picayune reflection section of 11/12 had three editorial opinion columns and if they sounded familiar its because you read it here first in PolitiDose.  The three articles were by Robert Mann, Eugene Robinson and Joe Scarborough.  Mann's article was titled, "Taxes, the national debt and GOP dishonesty."  Robinson's article was titled, "What did Tuesday's election prove." and Scarborough's article titled, "American politics are a disaster."

Mann attempts to articulate how the GOP has been so dishonest with the people concerning the national debt, deficit spending and taxes that benefit the wealthy and corporate America.  But readers of PolitiDose were informed concerning the subject long ago in commentary and also about the GOP dishonesty.  It is certainly nothing new, at least not for the readers of PolitiDose.

Eugene Robinson is one of several opinion writers who seem to question the democratic party's commitment since the 2016 Presidential election but now seems to think Tuesday's election where democrats won the governorship of Virginia and New Jersey changed things.  But Robinson forgot that there is nothing really wrong with the democratic party and what they stand for.  The majority of voters who gave Hillary Clinton their vote in the 2016 election are still the same voters who are turning against Trump and the GOP and are turning off the fake news the GOP is trying to sell.  PolitiDose has been commenting on the democratic party's position for some time and the party is still the party of balance while Trump and the GOP continue to implode.

Joe Scarborough served in the republican controlled U.S. House during the Newt Gingrich era and is now a host of Morning Joe on MSNBC.  Scarborough opposed President Clinton's economic plan and policies and supported the failed policies of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 including so called trickle down economics tax schemes and the GOP'extreme right wing policies.  Of course he opposes Trump now, but was one of several TV hosts that gave Trump much air time during the 2016 Presidential campaign to spread his hate and division.  Now Scarborough says American politics are a disaster.  But he forgot two pieces to political life.  As a elected official and TV host he contributed to the GOP's disaster and can not bring himself to admit that the democratic administration of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were the only two administrations that brought stability to America's middle class in the last 37 years.  And were also the only administrations that balanced the federal budget and cut deficit spending in that time also.

PolitiDose has been far ahead of the opinion writers on those things that really matter and make a difference.  Opinion writers commentary come years after the fact and run with the GOP fake news until it is too late.  Stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary for the real story at the time it takes place and be an informed reader.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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