Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Arming School Teachers: A Cowardly Act By Those Who Lack Courage.

Weeks after the mass shootings at a Parkland, Florida school we are still talking about arming teachers as a solution.  The Louisiana legislature is talking about it and Louisiana's governor Edwards is opposed to the suggestion.  High school students are letting their voices be heard around the country that there is a better solution.  It takes very little courage to suggest arming teachers and a lack of courage to face the real problem of mass shootings.

The real problem is semi and automatic weapons that are manufactured to kill a lot of people in a short period of time.  They are weapons of war and should be banned from the streets of America.  But it takes courage to face up to the NRA, the gun lobby and those who want to change the subject.  The teachers responsibility is to teach and educate and not pack a weapon with one eye on the books and the other eye looking for trouble.

It is the city and the states responsibility to make and keep our schools and places of education safe so teachers can do what they are trained to do.  The city and states have to provide the resources necessary to do so and not hide behind budget cuts like a bunch of cowards.

The short supply of courage in facing up to the real problem after so many innocent school children have lost their lives is shameful.  The demonstrations by those students who are willing to make their voices heard for real changes have more courage than the adults and hopefully will continue the dialog for real changes to our gun laws.  They can be the movement that will finally break the link between the NRA and elected officials who do their bidding.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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