Sunday, March 25, 2018

The War In Iraq: Fifteen Years of American Sacriface and We Are Still There

In March of 2003 President George W. Bush launched the war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  It was described as a preemptive war against a dictator who would use those WMD against the United States.  It was a fabrication and a lie and the story line by the Bush administration was swallowed by the news media and even promoted by them on many fronts.  There was zero accountability concerning facts by Bush or the media even though the weapons inspectors in Iraq said over and over Iraq had no WMD.  And those inspectors were on the ground in Iraq, the best place for intelligence.

So now in March 2018, fifteen years after the invasion we are still there, there are still no WMD and our men and women in uniform and their families are still paying the price for that lie.  In fact 7 of our troops died there just this month while on a helicopter patrol.  Bush and the neocons who clamored for that war and invasion still make the self serving statement that the war was justified even though Iraq had no WMD.  The contradiction is so glaring no rebuttal is needed.  Our country lost over 4000 good young men and women (and still counting) in the war and the war has been treated like just a footnote in history.

It is pretty sad to think the country has another President who lives and governs by lie after lie.  The Trump administration is making sure that the present is repeating the same mistakes as the past, only this time lying about everything.  Trump is also the very first Presidential candidate who ran a campaign willing to deal with a foreign country (Russia) to seek dirt on a political opponent.  No other Presidential candidate has been willing to go down that dark in-American road and for good reason.

Nine years after the administration of President George W. Bush, we have a President who is willing to resort to lies to govern the country and do everything in his power to destabilize the various institutions that have made America a great country.  America does not need a slogan "Make America Great Again."  She just needs a great American to be President again.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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