Saturday, March 17, 2018

Will Our Nation's High School Students Turn Out To Vote In TheNovember Elections?

If they do and cast their votes against those candidates who support the NRA and the gun lobby their vote could make a difference in a close race and many of the races will be close.  And if they keep up the pressure like they are doing now all the way to the election they will surely gather more support from the public at large.

We have already seen Trump and his party pull back on some of their comments on gun control made after the Parkland, Florida shootings and of course they do not want to even talk about a ban on assault type weapons which is the key to prevent mass killings.  Elected officials responsibilities are to protect and to serve the people, especially those in school.  They now promote the NRA's position of arming teachers.  In other words, putting more guns in school.  The NRA and the gun lobby loves that because more guns will be bought.  All we need is an armed teacher to go berserk one day and kill every student in his class.  Talk radio in New Orleans is asking its listeners to talk about the subject matter, just what the NRA wants.  They want that seed to be planted, they already convinced Trump.

The NRA, the gun lobby and those elected officials who support their positions are not concerned with public safety.  It would be a great accomplishment if the younger generation are able to use their commitment on the issue and vote to break up that axis of evil and allow common sense gun laws to be enacted along with safety measures to keep our country, our people and our students safe.  If the status quo does not change, the future will look like the failed past to keep our children safe.  Hopefully the younger generation will stay engaged.  They really can make a difference that really matters.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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