Thursday, April 19, 2018

Conservatism and Trumpism: The Ugly and UnAmerican Ideology. A Continuing Story

PolitiDose has written several commentary why conservatism as practiced by the present republican party and which began with the Newt Gingrich era is the ugly and UnAmerican ideology.  And now Trumpism can be added.  The trumpet man is no conservative by any stretch but his ideology is corrupt to the core, ugly and UnAmerican in his lack of respect for the office he holds, the American people in general and our democratic form of government.

It is a sad state when the President and the republicans control the government and chaos runs amok.  Conservatism and Trumpism are the driving force behind the divisive rhetoric they engage in  Outright lies, fake news and a disregard for facts have become standard procedure  No one is out of their reach of personal attacks because their ideology is corrupt.  The two hate each other but are one and the same and tells you how dangerous they are to democracy.  Their ideology can not accept the compassion, tolerance and the good America stands for.

Americanism will win because that is what the spirit of America is all about.  Accomplishments are a positive factor in living while division dies a slow natural death.  Conservatism and Trumpism will destroy each other and the process has already begun.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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