Friday, April 13, 2018

Paul Ryan: Another Trump Ditto Head Will Not Seek Reelection.

Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Paul Ryan announced he would not seek reelection in November and will retire.  He is one of many republican Trump ditto heads who have decided to call it quits since Trump took office.  They do not like Trump but are afraid to keep the HOUSE as an independent check on the trumpet man and execute their responsibilities.  So like the rest, Ryan turned tail and is running away in a cowardly manner.

Ryan pushed and supported Trump's tax cuts that the CBO reported will add $11.7 trillion to the national debt, bring back single year budget deficits over $1 trillion and balloon this years fiscal deficit to $804 billion.  And now Ryan and his buddies will leave town and leave the fiscal disaster they created to some one else to act on.  Trump and his ditto heads have no courage or sense of decency.

So now we will find out soon enough what ditto head republican will run for Ryan's job as speaker of the house.  Steve Scalise, Louisiana's number 3 ranked republican in the HOUSE may be mentioned as one possibility but the little boy ditto head, like Ryan has no accomplishments except supporting the tax cuts.  Also, like Ryan, Scalise will be Trump's errand boy and lack the courage to challenge Trump's corrupted influence.

The republican controlled congress is right in step with Trump's autocratic rule and as a result chaos and self interest has replaced our democratic form of governing.  The Trump malignancy has infected the independence of congress which is the institution that has the responsibility to hold the President accountable for his actions or lack there of.

A democratic controlled congress is the only answer to reverse the carnage.  The republicans have had their chance and failed big time.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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