Monday, April 23, 2018

Unemployment in Louisiana Continues Its Decline On Governor Edwards Watch.

The Louisiana unemployment rate for March was 4.4%, down from 4.6% in February as employer payrolls continue to increase.  The unemployment rate when Edwards took office and Jindal left was 6.2%.  The unemployment rate when Jindal took office was 3.8% so unemployment during Jindal's eight years increased.  It followed what people who pay attention know, that is democratic administrations do a better job on the economy, job creation and fiscal matters.  Republican administrations don't even come close.

But the republican controlled state house budget they just passed is another fraud like the last nine years.  It cuts spending by $648 million that state officials said would result in the closing of hospitals, nursing homes and medical residency programs for doctors throughout the state as soon as July (per Times Picayune article of 4/22)  The budget represents the republican same old schemes and fraud in order to injure Governor Edwards' chance for reelection.  But the Governor will veto this budget if passed by the Senate.

The special session of the legislature that will take place after the regular session ends will demonstrate that the Governor will not put up with the republican obstruction of moving the state forward away from the republican's ideology that is corrupted.  Their budget would set the state's economy and job creation back years and the state's fiscal problems would become worse like they did under Jindal.

Governor Edwards is on the right track with policies that work and will put Louisiana's fiscal house in order in due time.  The buck stops on his desk because he is a leader.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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