Monday, May 21, 2018

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards Vetoes The State's Budget

The republican controlled state legislature was up to their same old tricks after a special and regular session ended and approved a budget that did nothing to deal with the states fiscal problems they created during former governor Jindal's terms in office.  As a result, Governor Edwards refused to sign what he called "a pretend budget" and vetoed it.

The budget failed to address the expiring tax revenue loss that will sunset June 30, made major cuts to the medical field, higher education and the TOPS program.  The same old republican story that has made the states fiscal problems worse.  And the $28.5 billion budget did  not address the projected deficit of the next fiscal year beginning July 1.  It is a rerun of past republican budgets.

For those who follow PolitiDose and the facts, one realizes budgets can not be balanced with budget cuts of the magnitude and areas that are cut when the state doles out $8 billion in tax breaks annually to business.  That is $8billion of lost revenue plus other goodies given to business which  results in more lost revenue for the state.  The republicans have tried the same formula in congress with their failed ideology and have not balanced one federal budget since President Eisenhower's administration in 1960.  That is over 50 years ago.

Does any one remember the stage budget was $34.3 billion for fiscal year 2007-08?  So large cuts have been made over the years to the budget but the budgets are still our of balance because it is out of kilter on the revenue side.  The  republicans never want to talk about that.  In fact, governor Edwards is more conservative on fiscal and money matters than the republicans and that is why he will not accept the republican's failed ideology.  They are conservative in rhetoric only.  Governor Edwards has the right approach for a long term solution to the budget problem and it is a balanced one of revenue and cuts that are fair, sustaining and will move the state's economy forward which will benefit all the people.

The second special session starts Tuesday.  The ball is in the republicans court one more time.(the third time this year)  Will they do the right thing or adopt their failed positions of the past once again.  They want to make Edwards a one term governor and so far have rejected a chance to work with him for the good of the state and its people.  The people of Louisiana elected Edwards because of the failed leadership of his republican opponents.  If the republicans are truly interested in helping the state and its people they should go with a budget of Edwards choice.  Are they afraid the governor has the right plan to finally bring Louisiana's fiscal house credibility?

The second special session that starts Tuesday will tell the story.

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