Sunday, June 10, 2018

Another Special Session Failure By The Republican Controlled State Legislature.

Worthless, that is the best but not the only word that describes the republican controlled state legislature.  They have had two special sessions and one regular session and still no agreement to answer the fiscal short fall for next fiscal year which begins on July 1.  Their first priority is the republican ideology that wants to see the Edwards administration fail so they can regain the governorship of Louisiana.  And because they have no answer to the fiscal problems facing the state and its people, the governor has called for another special session towards the last of the month.

The ideology of Louisiana's republicans mirror that of the republicans in congress.  They are against everything and for nothing and call themselves conservatives.  They are actually radical extremist with an UnAmerican attitude.  And what have Louisiana's republicans accomplished?  Well, they never balanced one state budget under former governor Jindal and they are kicking the fiscal can down the road on Edwards watch.

The people of Louisiana knew what they were doing when they elected John B Edwards, a democrat to be governor and he will hold the republicans in the legislature accountable for their failure to be a responsible party.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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