Sunday, June 3, 2018

The First For PolitiDose Just Keep Piling Up.

PolitiDose noted in its commentary early on during the 2016 Presidential campaign that Donald Trump and the republican party were one and the same and spelled out the reasons.  The regular news media never picked up on the story because they were giving Trump so much television time over his republican opponents and they even published Trump's tweets on a regular basis which was really foolish.  But foolish describes the regular news media.

Now comes John Boehner, former speaker of the U.S. House who resigned a few years ago said in speaking to the Mackinac Policy Conference in Michigan last week, THERE IS NO REPUBLICAN PARTY, THERE's A TRUMP PARTY.  Boehner, being out of politics is  now speaking his mind, but his former colleges still in congress will not speak out against Trump because like the trumpet man,, have no character or policy.  A few republicans did speak out against Trump's recent action on trade but won't pursue the matter.

Boehner also confessed last year that the republican party would never pass a health care plan because they really have never been interested in the subject matter.  He was right and PolitiDose reported that long before Boehner's remark.  Yes, make no mistake, Trump and his party are one and the same and you read it here first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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