Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Refusal To Serve: Sooner or Later, What Goes Around, Comes Around.

Sarah H. Sanders, President Trump's press secretary was told to leave a Virginia restaurant because she worked for  President Trump.  The  owner of the Red Hen restaurant said there were certain standards to uphold, honesty, compassion and cooperation according to reports.  Sanders said she and her family politely left the restaurant.

Trump and many of his ditto head friends said they were outraged at the incident.  This writers first thought after the restaurant's action was of the bakery store owner who refused to make a cake for a same sex couple and used his religion to justify his actions.  Of course, Trump and his ditto heads and conservative friends thought that the bakery's actions were ok but criticized the actions of the owner of the Red Hen restaurant.

One should be able to see where public places who use religion and political beliefs to deny people service can lead down a dark road of discrimination and bigotry.  Governments and the courts should not allow public places to discriminate against people for religious or political reasons.  This is a dangerous slope that has no end.

The seeds of division that the Trump  administration has planted and the lack of respect for our institutions and people continue to play out in America and should be alarming to everyone.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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