Saturday, June 23, 2018

Trump and The Republicans Fail To Govern Again: And This Time On Immigration

The republican cowards who control the U.S. House failed Thursday to pass their own so called conservative immigration bill.  Coward Trump supported the bill and the republicans have enough votes to pass legislation without democratic input but enough republicans revolted and voted against the bill to insure failure.  Trump and the republicans refused to seek democratic input and have bi-partisan legislation.

The republicans called the bill a conservative version of immigration keeping with their un-American ideology which is why they fail at governing.  The answer to the immigration problem is not conservative and can not be solved by ideology.  It can only be solved by the American spirit of understanding the problem and then acting accordingly with true American solutions.  That is why democrats are better at governing and solving problems.

To show how out of touch the republican party stands on immigration, they have a second bill which they call a compromise immigration bill because so many of  the republican factions in the House had to be mollified.  This bill will be voted on next week according to their leadership.  And like the version that went down to defeat Thursday, democratic input was not allowed.

After Thursday's defeat, coward Trump told his party they should forget about immigration reform until after the November congressional elections and stop wasting time.  That will undermine next weeks vote and weaken the chance of passing.  This is the President who said he supported both versions of the bill.  Yeah, right.  And this President and the republican controlled congress continues to say immigration is their priority.  The lies roll out of their mouths like water.

The answer to real comprehensive immigration reform is to seek democratic support and even use the immigration bill passed by the democratic controlled U.S. Senate in 2013 as a model and guide.  If the cowards do that a good bill could pass where immigration and border security would be an every day part of our governing process.  No longer would we have to put up with peace meal decisions like separating children from parents and other decisions that do not address the long term problem.

So called conservative immigration or compromise immigration only with one party has failure written all over it.  Facts is what dictates solutions and not ideology.  In the 17 months that Trump and his party has run the country, their only success was a 14% decrease in corporate income tax rates and soaring deficit spending.  The rhetoric continues loud and strong along with the personal attacks, but governing is absent.

One should remember the republican Presidential candidates during their debates of the 2016 campaign, including Trump, said immigration reform should not be taken up before the 2016 Presidential election.  At the time, the republican party controlled both houses of congress.  And now, they still do plus the Presidency and Trump now says stop wasting time and wait until the November elections are over before addressing the immigration issue.  The cowards are a party to lies, fake news, dishonesty and fraud on the immigration issue.

And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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