Saturday, July 7, 2018

The Failure To Govern and The Blame Game

President Trump and his Vice President continue to show their unstable persona on the immigration issue.  Their attacks on the democrats as being for open borders may sell to the ignorant and their blame game mentality which is used by those who have failed at governing is telling and will continue until the November elections.

It is easy to tell the bad guys because they are in the White House with a 17 month record of regression.  It has become evident how President Obama's economic policies of success is the only positive force taken place on the Trump-Pence watch.  But as this writer noted not long ago in another commentary, the Trump recession will surely take place in the near future.

Trump and Pence's immigration rhetoric will continue on the campaign while they and their party fail to pass immigration reform.  When the party in power fails to govern, they have to blame some one else and that some one else has to be the democratic party.  Look for Trump and Pence to be on the campaign trail until the November elections.  Both want to take the people's mind off an administration mired in chaos and under investigation by special counsel Mueller, whose investigation is closer and closer to Trump.  Mueller is a man of integrity and will not let Trump intimidate him with threats.

There will be more side shows by Trump and Pence and more of the same rhetoric.  However this is an administration that is so unAmerican, neither will finish their first term in office.  Trump's actions tells this writer he knows his days are numbered as President of the United States.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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