Sunday, January 27, 2019

The "PEOPLE's HOUSE" Is Reopened

Trump's shut down of the "people's house" has ended until February 15 and those government workers who worked without pay for over a month will finally see a pay check.  The shut down was an un-Presidential act of an autocrat who was willing to hold government employees hostage because Mexico refused to pay for Trump's un-American wall.  The shut down began on Trump and the republican's watch in December when they controlled everything.

The democratic party's (the mature party) position from the beginning was to fund the "people's house" and not shut it down and handle border security separately.  Trump rejected that and during the shut down but changed course this week and accepted the democrat's position and signed the order to reopen the government.

Trump and his party tried to use the "wall" issue to try to paint the democratic party as weak on border security and that they wanted open borders.  But the facts prove they were wrong and only the usual lies that Trump and his party engage in on a regular basis.  The democratic party has a record of providing funds for border security in every piece of legislation they have proposed concerning immigration including the most recently one passed by the democratic controlled U.S. House this month.

Trump and the GOP tried to sell the lie of a emergency national security problem at the Southern border, something no other President would even try.  And the real story on immigration is that Trump and his party did not sponsor or introduce any immigration reform before congress in the last two years when they controlled everything.  The people were exposed to their rhetoric only and no action.

During the next two weeks while congress looks to agree on a border security proposal the democratic party will do its part to provide the necessary funds but no wall.   America does not build walls to keep people out.  America has always used its ingenuity to protect the country and its people.  And America has always had leaders with courage who stepped up at crucial times with wisdom to overcome the extreme.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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