Thursday, January 10, 2019

The U.S. Economy, Job Creation and Unemployment For December 2018

The economy created 312,000 jobs in December and the unemployment rate came in at 3.9%, up from the 3.7% for November.  It was the 99th straight month of positive job growth for the country.  The job number were higher than predicted by economists but they were quick to respond that job creation, the economy and the GDP will all be lower in 2019 and so will the world economy.  They also report that the federal deficit for fiscal year ending September 30 will exceed $1 trillion and bring the nation back to single year fiscal deficits of over $1 trillion which first began with the administration of George W. Bush.

For Trump's first 23 months in office the economy has created 4,349,000 new jobs for a monthly average of 189,086 jobs.  In President Obama's last 23 months in office the economy created 4,636.000 new jobs for a monthly total of 201,560 jobs.  No matter how one looks at the numbers, President Obama did a much better job than Trump.  The Obama administration had to start by making up for the millions of lost jobs caused by the 2008 republican recession before any credit for creating new jobs.  Where as Trump took over an expanding economy already creating jobs.  There were no lost jobs to make up for before creating new ones.

To those who are confused about the stock market and falling oil and gasoline prices and use that as a barometer for the future, forget about it.  Those two factors are manipulated by the money people.  What matters most falls on the policies of the Trump administration and that tells this writer that the country will fall into a recession this year and the stock market will go south.

So this writer would advise those that own stocks and have made a profit to get out now and use that money when the market crashes to buy the good stocks at a lower price.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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