Sunday, January 13, 2019

Trump and The GOP's Betrayal Continues The Shut Down

The democratic controlled House passed legislation to end the government shut down and executed their responsibility as legislators.  The republican controlled U.S. Senate refused to take up the measure because Trump opposed.  Republican senator Mitch McConnell betrayed the U.S. Senate and the American people by allowing Trump to intimidate him and in doing so was a cowardly act and traitorous.  McConnell is a well known obstructionist and legislative coward that has failed his responsibility to lead.

So the shut down continues over Trump's wall and McConnell's failure to say enough is enough Mr. President, the Senate will hold a vote and do what is best for the country and to open the government back up and running.  Time for the GOP foolishness is over and the Wall is a separate issue to be taken up in future legislation that includes immigration reform.

There is no national security threat or crisis at the border except Trump's rhetoric and the  GOP's failure to introduce immigration reform legislation.  Adequate border security can be addressed without building a wall that sends the wrong message about America's values and ideals.  Trump's wall rhetoric is another tactic to divert attention away from the Mueller investigation that is coming to an end and will likely implicate the President.

In the mean time, Trump and the GOP will continue their unAmerican shut down of the U.S. Government, and the Senate and Mitch McConnell will continue to be cowards and ditto heads for President Trump.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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