Sunday, February 17, 2019

Trump and His WALL of Lies

The democratic party, the "mature ones" in congress stood tall as the U.S. House and Senate passed a funding bill that Trump signed to prevent another shutdown.  The bill provided no money for Trump's wall and in fact, could have passed in December and no shutdown would have taken place.  But Trump wanted to play to his base, Fox news and the extreme right like Hannity, Limbaugh and Coulter.

The democratic party has provided a steady hand since winning the U.S. House and shows their understanding of governing.  They also are familiar with Trump and the republican party's failure to pass immigration legislation the last two years of their complete control.  Instead, the republicans and Trump just punted with their empty rhetoric and lies.

And to make immigration matters worse, Trump announced he would declare a national emergency at the southern border, take $8 billion of funds from the department of defense and other agencies to build his WALL OF LIES.  His long winded announcement was all over the lot and contained the usual lies Trump engages in on a regular basis.  The speech was evident of Trump's mental state.

It is more important now than ever for the democratic party to govern maturely with sound policies and put an end to the harm already done to America by Trump and his party.  The House investigations should take place where called for and the public needs to be informed of the outcomes.  The republicans failed their responsibility to hold Trump accountable and have no spine.  The trumpet man will never be fit to be President and Hillary Clinton said so a long time ago.

And every day, evidence emerges that the Mueller investigation will put Trump right smack in the middle of it all.

This commentary written by Joe  Lorio

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