Sunday, March 24, 2019

Trump's First Two Years in Office: A Failed Leadership By the President and The Republican Controlled Congress

President  Trump and the republican controlled congress passed only two pieces of legislation in the first two years of their administration.  The Tax cut of 2017 and The First Step Act (criminal justice reform).  Other accomplishments Trump brags about were executive orders that overturned many of the rules and regulations the Obama administration put into effect.  Health care reform, immigration reform and rebuilding the country's infrastructure were 3 of the Presidents top priority along with Mexico paying for a border wall.  It was the least productive congress for a President and his party who controlled everything.

Trump and his party's health care scheme failed so they decided to just dismantle the ACA .  Neither Trump or his party introduced any immigration reform legislation to debate, adopt and or vote on.  The people had to listen to Trump's so called tough talk instead.  Trump gave his party an outline of a $1.5 trillion infrastructure rebuilding plan financed by $200 billion from the federal government and the balance financed by the private sector but no indication how it would work or any details.  His own party's leadership just laughed at it and let it die without any debate or input.  Trump did nothing about his WALL until  December 2018 when he used the issue in a funding bill to shut down the government nor did the republicans in congress do anything about the WALL.

The Trump-GOP tax cuts also increased the federal deficit at the end of Trump's first fiscal year over the federal budget deficit in Obama's last fiscal year by 17%.  Trump and his GOP leaders in congress never made a serious attempt at legislation concerning Infrastructure even though it was one of the best investments to increase economic activity, job creation and wages.  They saw an economy that was doing well thanks to Obama's policies and instead, did the usual and reduced the taxes of those who needed it the least.  The economy would not receive their attention.  They also made no serious attempt to legislate immigration reform.

President Obama's administration in his first two years in office with a democratic controlled congress accomplished more in governing and results and passed the following legislation:  (1)  The American Recovery and Investment Act (Economic Stimulus included)  (2)  The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act.  (3)  Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (cut nuclear weapons in Russia and the United States.  (4)  Repealed Don't Ask, Don't Tell Act.  (5)  Lilly Ledbetter Act (ability to sue employers for wage discriminations)  (6)  Hate Crimes Prevention Act.  (7)  The Affordable Care Act.

Also during Obama's first two years in office the federal budget deficit decreased from President George W. Bush's last fiscal year budget deficit and economic expansion and positive job creation started moving the country out of the great economic recession and record job losses the Obama administration inherited.  Policy, plans and political understanding are necessary for governing effectively, and that is why democratic administration do a much better job for the country and its people.  The republican ideology fails the test of governing and Trump is the latest republican to fail the test.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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