Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Federal Judges Strike Down President Trump's Executive Orders Again

A federal judge in Washington state blocked President Trump's executive order that cut off U.S. subsides for poor women obtaining birth control planning from Planned Parenthood and other clinics that offer abortion or other services and information to patience.  Trump's action was a continuation of his party and administration to damage Planned Parenthood and to chip away at a woman's right to choose and every thing associated with abortion and other services.

In another case federal judge Sharon Bleason, U.S. District Court for the District of Alaska, struck down Trump's executive order that lifted an Obama era ban on oil and gas drilling in the Arctic Circle.  The judge ruled that Trump's order was unlawful and that the ban would remain in effect and full force unless and until revoked by congress and that the President's executive order exceeded the President's authority.  After the judge's decision, Trump announced he was reversing his previous announced plan to expand offshore oil and gas drilling indefinitely.

The federal courts have been a thorn in Trump's plans and executive orders that have been held unlawful and in many cases the judges have ruled that the Trump administration has offered no legal argument to support his cases.  It backs up what people who follow politics know.  That is the trumpet man is an autocrat who believes he can do whatever he wants to do with out being held accountable.

But the rhetoric and personal attacks continue by the trumpet man and are actually louder because he is also in the campaign mode now.  And all the while he and the republican party have nothing to show legislative wise to address the problems facing the country.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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