Thursday, May 16, 2019

An American President In Name Only: A Tragic American Story

Donald Trump is President of the United States and a self proclaimed billionaire, so what is it about his need to lie to the American people about anything and everything?  The latest lie about China paying billions of dollars for Trump's tariffs when the American people are the ones paying the cost is a reflection of his lack of mental capacity to understand the role an American President plays in everyday life.  Lies roll off his lips without any consideration of the position he holds.

And to make matters worse he than has to ask congress to pass legislation that would pay farmers $15 billion for their losses because of his China tariffs.  That does not include the $12 billion congress approved for Trump's previous tariffs on China trade.  America has a President who feels he has to lie about even the day to day happenings.  The way he deals with people is not even close to what a normal person's life is like.  He respects no one because he is incapable of recognizing character and the truth.

And if one stops to think about the fact that President Trump still believes Putin when he says Russia did not interfere with the 2016 Presidential election after our own intelligence people and Robert Mueller's report detailed they did, every American should be frightened of what could come next.  Let there be no doubt, America has a President who is a serious threat to the nation's security, our way of life and our democracy.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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