Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Special Counsel's Report About Trump Becomes Stronger and Stronger

As more details emerge from Robert Mueller's investigation report President Trump's obstruction of justice becomes clear and the President's willingness along with his Presidential campaign to do business with Russia in order to seek information on his opponent and his subsequent relationship with Putin should make every American very concerned about Trump's unfitness to be President and the damage he has already done to the constitution, the country's institutions and the rule of law.  And if the redactions in the report ever become public, Trump's actions will be shocking.

And now, several weeks after the report was made public, over 400 fair minded people who read the report including lawyers, prosecutors, former prosecutors, judges, former judges and those who have served in past democratic and republican administrations signed a letter and said Mueller's obstruction case against Trump was significant and that if it were any one but the President, he would be charged with a felony and indicted.  But Mueller laid out the case for congress to deal with because the Justice Department guide lines say a sitting President can not be indicted.  But congress has the lawful and legal power and responsibility to deal with Trump's serious violations of the law.  Those republican and democrats who signed the letter stood tall and put country before party and politics.  And they are people who know the law.

The democratic controlled U.S. House has to remain positive and do what ever it takes to over come Trump's lies, his every day stone walling tactics and his obstruction of congress.  They have the tools to do so and should challenge the President's contempt for the rule of law at every turn.  America has answered the call many times during our political history when our values as a nation were attacked and always had those who were willing to take a stand, right the ship and over come the malignancy of the moment.

And at this very moment in our political history, our values are under attack once again, this time by the malignancy of President Donald Trump.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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