Sunday, July 14, 2019

The U.S. House Passes 9/11 First Responders Bill

The democratic controlled U.S. House voted 402 - 12 and approved legislation to extend funding for 9/11 first responders and their families until 2090.  Last month the House Judiciary Committee voted unanimously to reauthorize the September 11th Victims Compensation Fund after Jon Stewart testified before the committee and urged its passage.  Stewart has been an outspoken supporter for the fund and criticized the lack of action to put the funding on solid ground.

The vote was overdue as the funding was being depleted and could lead to a 50-70% reduction in compensation.  Some in congress complained about the cost  After the House vote democratic Senator Chuck Schumer urged republican senate majority leader Mitch McConnell to hold a vote on the legislation promptly and not let other republicans push them to the back burner like the last time.  McConnell would not commit to any time frame.

Once again it is the democratic controlled House that moved and passed important legislation to cover the health problems of the 9/11 first responders and their families who have suffered serious health problems and even death.  It takes serious people to address serious issues and the House continue to pass important and meaningful legislation since the democrats took control in January.

The fate of the legislation is now in McConnell and the republican controlled Senate hands.  Lets see how long it takes for them to act.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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