Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Berlin Wall and President Trump's Mexico Wall Shares A Related Issue

President John F. Kennedy traveled to West Berlin in 1963 to deliver a major address to the people of that city and to Europe.  The city, divided by a wall that separated communist controlled East Berlin and democratic West Berlin during the cold war to stop the flow of people from East Berlin to the West Berlin who sought a better life with freedom and democracy.  President Kennedy's speech before millions of Berliners was embraced by the people.

The President said it was obvious that the Wall represented the failure of the communist system.  We can flash forward to the present concerning President  Trump's Mexico Wall and it should be obvious that Trump's Wall represents his failure to send immigration reform legislation to the U.S. Congress to be acted on even though both houses of Congress were controlled by the republican party for Trump's first 24 months in office.  And after 34 months in office, his own party still has no immigration reform legislation agenda.

And we know according to Trump's own words he intends to make immigration a major theme of his re-election campaign in 2020.  Never mind that candidate Trump made immigration a top priority in the 2016 campaign but once elected, all America heard was Trump's rhetoric.  America needs immigration reform legislation to address the broad issues that are related to the problem and a good place to start would be the immigration reform passed by the democratic controlled U.S. Senate in 2013.

Brace yourself my fellow Americans because all you will hear from Trump this election year is what he said in the 2016 campaign and never accomplished if he is not convicted by the impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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