Saturday, February 15, 2020

Attorney General Willam Barr's Self Serving Statement Found Favor With The News Media.

U.S. Attorney General William Barr, Trump's ditto head who runs the Department of Justice made the following self serving statement:  THE PRESIDENT'S TWEETS ABOUT JUSTICE DEPARTMENT PROSECUTORS AND OPEN CASES MAKE IT IMPOSSINBLE FOR ME TO DO MY JOB.  The self serving statement was carried by the news media in general who tried their best to make it look like Barr was putting Trump down.  It comes right out of Trump and the republican's playbook.  But those who follow the news should see through the fog of lies.

The Justice Department's prosecutors recommended to the court in the Roger Stone case that Stone should be sentenced 7-9 years in prison.  After Trump attacked that recommendation, the prosecutors and the judge, Barr then stepped in, overruled his own prosecutors and pushed for a much lower sentence for the impeached President's friend.  Mr. Barr's actions do not square with his public statement mentioned above.  If it did he would have recused himself from saying any thing at all.  In fact Barr's actions over ruling his departments own prosecutors recommendations was so unusual that four of those prosecutors quit or resigned.

This action by Barr coupled with his many past actions of being a Trump ditto head clearly establish the real William Barr and the way he has enabled Trump.  So no, my fellow Americans, Barr did not take a swipe or disparage the impeached President as the news media seems to think and the White House quickly pointed out no harm done.  The impeached President is toxic to every thing he touches and those he touched don't seem to mind it one bit.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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