Thursday, February 20, 2020

Roger Stone Sentenced To 3 years And 4 Months In Prison

The mentally unfit and impeached President Donald Trump managed to intimidate his Attorney General William Barr but failed in his attempt to do the same thing to U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson who handed down the judgement on Stone for crimes he was convicted of during a trial by his peers.  Judge Jackson had harsh words for Stone, the attorney general and Trump without mentioning the President's name.

Jackson in her sentence statement admonished the Justice Department's handling of their prosecutor's recommendation to the court and how for the very first time failed to follow their own procedures.  She also blasted the out side pressure during the pre sentencing and how that damaged the lawful process of following the law.  She also spoke about the threats Stone made to her and his outbursts to the courts and the courts system of justice.

So now, once again, another Trump supporter and campaign advisor is convicted by a court of law or pleaded guilty and has been sentenced to prison for crimes committed.  But there is still much of the Trump swamp of corruption that needs to be drained.  The impeached President is talking more and more about a pardon for his convicted crooks and more and more of undermining the criminal justice system because the clock is ticking towards exposing his corruption big time.

Judge Jackson stood tall on sentence day and once again, it was a woman who not only demonstrated she is a better woman that Trump is a man, she demonstrated her character and courage by following the laws and her oath of office she swore to uphold, defend and protect.  A mentally unfit President is a danger to the very heart of Democracy and the republic for which it stands.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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