Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Democratic Debates, The Moderators, The Democratic Caucus and Primaries.

The latest democratic debate before the Nevada Caucus moderated by NBC did very little justice to the candidates and the public.  The questions to the candidate were old of the past debates and void of the real issues the next President will face.  NBC should be ashamed of its performance and its lack of quality time to some of the candidates.  This writer believes their performance showed a lack of understanding what debates are all about.

The democratic Caucus and primaries that have already taken place makes for good press but it is lacking substance for a real analysis.  The story line is the results so far put Sanders way ahead and are basically writing off every one else, especially Joe Biden.  One writer for the AP after the Nevada caucus vote called Sanders the democratic socialist.  Well, Sanders is no democrat and in fact is an independent.  He is in tune with democrats on many issues but does not represent democratic policy, especially on the health care issue.

But reporting on the caucus and primaries are doing their best to link Sanders and the democratic party as one.  Because of those reports Biden is letting it be known there is a big difference between Sanders and democratic policies and position on some major issues facing the country.  Of course reporters who are worth their salt should know that but like some politicians, creating division gives them something extra to write and talk about.

This writer believes the story line about Sanders having a wrap and that he truly represents the democratic party are ill conceived and could harm voter turn out which will be necessary to beat the impeached Trump in November.  The super primaries that will take place in early March and then move ahead will be the barometer for the candidate to beat.  Plus those primaries will feature the whole state voting and not just the small number of voters who vote in the caucus.

The democratic candidates should point out that both Sanders and Bloomberg are not democrats because many voters do not take the time to research the candidates and just follow the sound bites that sound good.  The super primaries will likely change the script being written today in the press.  What is needed from now until the November election is an independent voice that addresses the issues that are so important to understanding the difference between the impeached President and the real democratic party.

PolitiDose intends to be that voice on the issues in multiple commentaries that will start soon.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary for the facts.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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