Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Louisiana Governor John B. Edwards Does a Better Job Updating The People On The Coronavirus Than President Donald Trump.

Governor Edwards's press briefings concerning the virus in Louisiana has been impressive in bringing the citizens up to date on what is taking place concerning the state and locally.  He not only has knowledge on the subject matter he is a calm voice that is prepared, needed and one who understands the government's responsibility in the matter.  His has respect for the news media questions and has no problem in answering them.  He also asked the news media to pass on facts to the public concerning the ongoing problems.

On the other hand, President Trump's press briefings are disjointed, incoherent at times and factually incorrect on many occasions.  And he likes to make it known, every one but he is to blame for any reported problems that surface in fighting the virus.  One notable part of his briefings is his reading from notes on most every thing he reports like he is not up to date or familiar with what he is reporting on.

The President's team that joins him at the briefings have the look of people who would much rather be some where else.  And they sure do not follow the social distance rule that Trump belatedly accepted from the experts.  Trump also hates to take questions from the news media and continues to insult and personally attack them.

The people of Louisiana are better off by tuning in Governor Edward's briefings if they wish to be more factually informed.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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