Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Democratic Blue Wave Drowns Another Trump Political Endorsement.

The democratic "blue wave" continued last week in Wisconsin's Presidential primary where the people  also voted to elect a state supreme court justice.  Republican Justin Dan Kelly was opposed by democratic circuit court justice Jill Karofsky who defeated  Kelly.  President Trump not only endorsed Kelly, he tweeted his support and tried to lay blame on the democratic party to postpone the primary until a later date because of the virus as playing politics.  The conservative state Wisconsin supreme court allowed the primary to take place over the objections of Wisconsin's governor.  Trump urged Wisconsin's voters to get out and vote now for Kelly.  But the democratic "blue wave" drowned Trump's endorsement.

And in the same primary Joe Biden won Wisconsin's vote over Bernie Sanders collecting over 60% of the vote.  The democratic voter turn our was super, especially the write in votes which shocked Trump and his party.  Biden now also has the support of Bernie Sanders and former President Barrack Obama who made their announcements in the last few days.  So another Presidential primary is in the record books where the democratic party did well and defeated another Trump ditto head.

This writer believes the "blue wave" will continue in the November elections.  Trump and his party continue the republican tradition of loss jobs, a failed economy, deficit spending, tax cuts that favor those who need them the least which do nothing for the economy.  A lack of policy and governing with an extreme ideology and the usual recession that follows.  And when the White House is occupied by a mentally unfit President who thinks only of himself, the results are devastating.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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