Friday, April 10, 2020

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders Exits The Democratic Presidential Race

Sanders is no longer a challenge to former Vice President Joe Biden as he announced his withdrawal from the Democratic nomination.  This writer believes it should have come earlier to allow Biden the room and time to put his general election campaign message together.  We will now see just how willing Sanders and his supporters will be to work and help Biden win the election.  Will they try and demand too much from Biden or swallow the fact that the people have spoken with their vote.  Time will tell how sincere they really are.

As for the presumptive democratic nominee Joe Biden, the ball is now in his court  He has to put a plan and policy together that the people can understand and one that he can articulate.  So far he has done a good job but now the country needs policy to guide the people out of the coming recession and massive debt that republican administrations always leave behind.  Biden's V.P. selection will be very important because of his age and he will have to show sound judgement there.  The conservative media and Trump and his party will be relentless with all the lies and false stories like they threw against Hillary Clinton in 2016.

The bottom line is the nation can not tolerate 4 more years of an impeached President who confirms every day he is mentally unfit to serve.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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