Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Cowardly Republicans In Congress Now Say The People Should Wear Masks.

The President and his ditto head GOP cowards in congress urged the business community to open up prematurely during the coronavirus pushing against the more cautious position of the CDC.  They also displayed a dislike for wearing masks as recommended by the CDC as a means of slowing down the spread of the virus.  But the reopening of the economy has led to a serious uptick in new cases of the virus in over 20 states leaving some states pausing their activity and even reclosing some of those businesses.

So with the November elections only 3 months away, the republican cowards are now urging the American people to wear a mask.  If they would have done so sooner like many Governors and Mayors did early on, just maybe more lives could have been saved and there just might be fewer cases also.  For the record, the U.S. has recorded over 126,000 deaths and over 2,000,000 cases.  Those numbers exceed the numbers of many European countries who have larger populations than the U.S.  And that story tells of the failed leadership of President Trump and his  party at a time of great need.  And as unbelievable as it seems, Trump and his party continued to brush off the safety concerns of North Carolina when the states Governor said that social distancing and protective gear would have to take place at the Republican National Convention.  Trump and the republican answer was to move the convention.

At every turn this President displays his mental unfitness for the office and he and his party display their inability to lead and govern.  The American voters can change all that in the November elections.

This  commentary written by Joe Lorio


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