Saturday, August 15, 2020

Hillary Clinton Vindicated Again Concerning Her Emails.

The so called conservative group Judicial Watch, long time haters of the Clintons filed a suit in district court to depose Hillary seeking detailed records on information Nations Security Adviser Susan Rice discussed about the attack on Benghazi in 2012.  U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth  ruled Hillary had to sit for the deposition. 

However, this week the D.C. Court of Appeals ruled 3-0 and overturned Lamberth's ruling for Clinton to produce a sworn deposition about her use of her private email server and account.  The Appeals court ruled that Judicial Watch was not entitled to depose Clinton and that  (1)  Clinton answered written questions under penalty of perjury about her email practices.  (2)  Secretary Clinton provided 11 hours of public testimony before the House Select Committee and has answered countless media inquiries on the matter.  (3)  Judge Wilkins of the Appeals court called the proposed topics for Clinton's deposition completely attenuated from any relevant issue in this case.  (4)  Judge Lamberth's order was a clear abuse of discretion.  (5)  The Court of Appeals suggested, IT WAS TIME TO CONSIGN THE CLINTON EMAIL IMBROGLIO TO THE HISTORY BOOKS.

The Appeals Court decision was a real slap down of Judge Lamberth's reasoning why Hillary should be deposed.  In another development, the Justice Department Lawyers opposed Clinton's lawyers move to have the Appeals Court block the testimony.  And although it was not a part of the suit, those Hillary haters on social media who called Hillary every name under the sun you  can think of should remember that three investigating committees of congress controlled by the republicans took oral testimony from Hillary concerning her emails and came up with NADA.  All of those accusations were proving wrong.  It should also be remembered that Hillary testified on a voluntary basis and did not seek or try and hide behind a President Obama order not to testify like so many of Trump's stooges.

Judicial Watch knew their lawsuit was frivolous like other ones they brought against the Clintons.  They are one of many groups who try and pass themselves off as conservatives, but in fact are extremist who promote conspiracy stories.  The Court of Appeals saw what their suit was all about and gave a clear answer to their witch hunt.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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