Monday, August 3, 2020

The United States Lawless President Fails To Keep The Country Safe

Contrary to Trump's self promotion as "the law and order" President, facts tell a much different story.  There were more incidents of mass shootings on Trump's watch than on any past President's watch.  There were 11 such incidents in 2017, 12 in 2018 and 10 in 2019.  The nearest to those numbers took place on President Obama's watch when 7 such incidents took place in 2012 and 2015.

There were also more people killed during a mass shooting incident on Trump's watch when 58 were killed in the 2017 shooting in Las Vegas.  And Trump has been in office only three and a half years to date.  This is the President who gives legitimacy to white nationalist and other violet groups and tells the public he himself could go out and shoot someone and it would not matter to his supporters.  That is what he said at a campaign rally during the 2016 campaign.

So now with weak poll numbers and only a short time before the November election, the impeached President is trying out his fake news once again that the democrats are weak on law enforcement.  That dog Trump is trying to sell won't hunt.  Reagan and Bush tried to sell the same lie on keeping America safe from terrorists but the two worst terror attacks took place on their watch in New York that took the lives of over 2000 Americans and in Beirut when a terrorist truck bombed the Marine compound that killed 241 Marines. 

And we all know it was the Obama administration that brought Bin Laden to justice because Obama made it his top priority to do so.  Empty talk is "fake news" for cowards, and actions still speak louder than words. 

Note 1:  Mass shootings are described as an incident where four or more people are injured or killed in a shooting according to those that keep the records.

Note 2:  Information on incidents included above taken from records published by Statista Research and Gun Violence Archives.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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