Thursday, August 20, 2020

The U.S. Senate Intelligence committee's Final Report On The Russia/Trump Presidential Campaign Contact: A Devastating Report of Trump's Betrayal of America.

Those who can think for themselves know Donald Trump was lying the moment he called the Mueller investigation "fake news and a hoax."  Trump also said he did not believe our intelligence community finding that Russia and Trump's campaign tried to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election because Putin denied it.  And Trump, being the liar he is, continues to call the story "fake news and a hoax."

But now, after a three year investigation by the Senate Intelligence Committee into the matter, the committee issued its report and the findings were devastating to the President of the United States.  Some of the findings and conclusions are as follows:  (1)  The Trump campaign's interactions with Russian intelligence services during the 2016 Presidential election posed a"GRAVE" counterintelligence threat.  Donald Trump's associates had regular contact with Russians and expected to benefit from the Kremlin's help.  (2)  Russia launched an aggressive effort to interfere in the election on Trump's behalf.  Trump's campaign chairman had regular contacts with a Russian intelligence officer and other Trump associates were eager to exploit the Kremlin's aid particularly the impact of the disclosure of democratic emails hacked by Russian intelligence officers.  (3)  Manafort, Trump's campaign chairman shared internal Trump campaign polling data with a Russian agent.  (4)  Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer in June 2016 with the goal of receiving information harmful to Hillary Clinton. 

The Senate report confirms what Mueller reported and leaves no doubt that Trump and his campaign was willing to work with a foreign power to help him win the 2016 Presidential election and was also willing for Russia to try and find dirt on Hillary Clinton.  Trump himself asked Russia to hack into Clinton's emails to find some thing that would harm her and promote his chances of winning the election.  Mueller's findings, the intelligence community findings and now the Senate committee's findings leave no doubt President Donald Trump tried to cover it all up with his "fake news and hoax" excuse. 

The Senate report and Trump's denials tell the story America has an un-American President willing to betray the country and its people with traitorous acts.  This final devastating report should be a warning to those who plan to vote for Trump in November because the betrayal will continue if he is re-elected. 

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