Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The President of The United States Donald Trump Sinks To A New Low As His Traitorous Act Continue

The recent revelations published in the "Atlantic Magazine" concerning the President's disparaging remarks toward our men and women in uniform and especially those serving in combat, in war zones and those who died or were POW's are unforgiveable for a President and Commander in Chief.  The President's denial ring hollow and self serving since the "Atlantic" account has been verified by other sources and Trump himself has a history of using such remarks against individuals who have served and or still serve in the military.

The Commander in Chief by his remarks has dishonored, disrespected and belittled every man and women who wore the uniform of their country and the American flag they honor every day.  And once again, the President and Commander in Chief displays his failure to respect anyone, even those who made the ultimate sacrifice.  The sickness in the White House is a tragedy born by a President who continues to attack every thing democratic about America.  The ugly American President cares only about himself and personal gain.

This writer in a commentary dated 7/31/16 titled, A Traitor Among Us:  Trump, Vladimir Putin and Russia was one of the first and maybe even the first to call out the President for his traitorous acts and betrayal of America and its people early on.  There were also other commentary in PolitiDose concerning the subject matter during Trump's time in office.  But Trump's betrayal of our military stands out as tragic, especially his comments about those who paid the ultimate price and those who were POW's.  And to top it off he used a public comment to name U.S. Senator John McCain who was a POW during the Viet Nam war.

Donald Trump, President and Commander in Chief does not know the meaning of respect or service.  The millions of men and women who wore the uniform of their country deserve an apology and Trump's resignation.  His betrayal of America and traitorous acts deserve nothing less.  The mental unfitness of this President and Commander in Chief is historic.

This commentary written by Joe  Lorio

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