Saturday, September 26, 2020

Trump Is Playing Out What Russia's Putin Taught Him.

 The world knows how Putin interfered in the U.S. 2016 Presidential elections and how they are currently doing it again now in the upcoming November 3 election and that they are doing so in favor of Trump.  Our intelligence community and the FBI has the proof to back it all up and have reported so to congress.

Putin and his cronies use all forms of misinformation, disinformation and lies to affect the election outcome.  And we now see Trump using those same Putin tactics to claim election fraud before the election even takes place and even planting the seed that the courts will have to determine the outcome.  Even more un-American, un-democratic and un-Presidential was Trump's boast that his Supreme Court nominee would help him be reelected if the court has to step in.  That statement is  corruption of the Supreme Court and any Trump nominee should step up to the plate and withdraw their name for consideration and not risk Trump's toxic infection of the Court.

Trump's actions tell us he believes Biden will win the election, probably by a large margin so he is following Putin's game plan and advise.  Trump and Putin are one and the same and Trump's enablers have failed to stand up for democracy and the constitution.  On November 3, the American people who have always stood up for America in it hour of need have another chance to do so and wash away the dark clouds that engulf the White House.  The lawless President has to be removed from office the democratic way.

This  commentary written by Joe Lorio

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