Monday, November 30, 2020

Another Huge First For PolitiDose As The Outcome Of The Trump Presidency Was Predicted In Past Commentary.

 This writer in two commentaries  titled, "Will The Failure Under A Trump Administration Be Like The Failed Past of Previous Republican Administrations" dated 12/9/16 and "What Will The New Year Bring Politically: A Continuing Story" dated 12/24/16 told the story in advance how precedent could be used to judge the future of Trump's four years in office and his administrations failures.  It was all preordained in those two commentaries.

The regular news media never saw it coming because they pay no attention to an administrations record even though the record and failures keep repeating itself.  For the past nine years PolitiDose has laid the facts out on the republicans failures on a host of issues that keep repeating themselves but the regular news media keeps reporting the republican talking points and their fairy tales as if they have great accomplishments.  

Trump's background, his rhetoric during the 2016 campaign and the republican party's record over the past 80 years was enough to understand that the failure of past republican administrations would take place again in a future Trump administration.  And with less than two months to go in office, the failure that was predicted in 2016 came front and center to repeat the cycle.  

Yes, my fellow Americans, the very first civilization on earth, that of the Sumerians said they were taught six thousand years ago that the key to a better future was to understand the mistakes of the failed past.  Otherwise, the future would be like the failed past.  It is a piece of wisdom that is alive and well after all those years.

Note:  To read this writers two commentaries noted above log onto 

Note:  Stay tuned for the wrap up  of the Trump administration and what to expect from the Biden administration which will becoming soon.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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