Saturday, November 14, 2020

Seventy Seven Plus Million Votes Tell Us America Is A Moderate-Liberal Nation.

President elect Joe Biden's election not only proved the polls were right, it demonstrated that the people have figured out that the republican claim of being conservative is a fairy tale and that the people themselves are not conservative politically.  The people understood that the issues that affect them can not be addressed or solved by brand names but by actions and plans that meet each situation. 

Biden not only received the largest popular vote total in Presidential history, democratic Presidential candidates won the popular vote in seven of the last eight Presidential elections.  And Donald Trump lost the popular vote in the last two Presidential elections by over eight million votes.  Forget about what party controls the House or Senate. Those are only districts, local and state races that have been gerrymandered and do not represent the view of the country as a whole.

Biden's victory was complete.  He won back so called swing states Trump won in 2016 and won Arizona, a state no democratic  Presidential candidate has won in over 20 years.  He also won Georgia (subject to recount) a state no democratic Presidential candidate has won in the past 20 plus years.  Biden's popular vote margin of 5 plus million votes over a sitting President was historic.

The American people understood that democracy, the constitution, the bill of rights, human rights and the creed that all are created equal are born of moderate and liberal thought.  It guided our nation for 245 years and counting.  And President elect Joe Biden understands that and said so when he proclaimed he was a proud democrat, but he would be an American President.  That there would be no red or blue states, only a United States of America.

And so it goes.  Moderates and Liberals don't rely on brand names to divide America for votes.  They are satisfied and comfortable with being Americans first and foremost.  And They believe in America the Beautiful and its institutions that has kept us free.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

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