Sunday, November 8, 2020

What Is The Point? Semantics At Its Worse.

In a New Orleans Advocate opinion column dated 11/5 by Tyler Bridges and Jeff Adelson titled, "Big wins show republicans still reign in Louisiana"  was much about nothing.  They tried to explain how Tuesday's Presidential election turned out to be about the same as the 2016 election as far as Louisiana goes with the same kind of results.  Its meaningless because with all the republican party control in Louisiana, it is  democratic governor John Bel Edwards that leads the  state.

The big red in Louisiana controlled the government and both houses of the state legislature under former governor Bobby Jindal but accomplished very little in their 8 year reign.  They never balanced one state budget, left the state with billions in debt and the unemployment rate was higher when Jindal left office than it was when he took office.  They also refused to implement the ACA under the medicaid provision and left millions go uninsured.  

Governor John Bel Edwards did much better and governed with character even though he has a hostile republican legislature and attorney general who try to oppose his every move especially against the COVID 19 virus.  Edwards has done a better job than Trump at managing the virus even though the President has more resources at his calling.

So the republican party may still reign in Louisiana in some minds, but it is democratic leaders who lead and govern the best for the people and the state.  This writer is not moved by the red state when governed by the republican party.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


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