Friday, January 8, 2021

Another One Of Trump's Traitorous Acts Takes Place As His Rioter Mobs Over Run The U.S. Capitol.

President Donald Trump's rioters are the deplorables Hillary Clinton told America about during the 2016 Presidential campaign.  She was proved right of course along with her conclusion that Trump was unfit for office.  Trump's rioters are connected to his brain because they can not think for themselves.  As a result, they allow trump to pull their string in any direction he wants even to the point of insurrection, destroying public property and a disrespect for the rule of law.

Trump's egging on of his mob rioters is nothing new.  Its been part of his policies to divide and conquer all along.  It goes back to the campaign of 2016 when he said at one of his campaign rallies he could go out and shoot some one and his supporters would not care.  Well his party in congress, the GOP, has not cared for the past 4 years.  They even looked the other way at his impeachment trial.  The democratic controlled House upheld their oath of office and impeached Trump for good reason and even noted that Trump would continue to violate his oath of office if the republican Senate looked the other way.  The prediction came true and Trump has committed too many traitorous acts since then and that has culminated in his mob rioters at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Trump's actions in encouraging the rioters to go to D.C. and intimidate congress to overturn the election was another impeachable act like so many others.  The best course of action would  be to impeach Trump now, on the spot and let in be written in the history books, no President is above the law.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


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