Saturday, January 23, 2021

Joe Biden: The 46th President of The United States

The voters of America passed the democratic torch to a new President in a record vote to lead the United States for the next 4 years.  It was a vote of confidence to change the direction of America with a democratic controlled congress to aid President Biden's campaign agenda.  The message was loud and clear in opposition to the Trump administration and the GOP's agenda of the past 4 years.  And as fate would have it, the Biden/Harris administration faces the same economic recession and other major problems the Obama/Biden administration faced 12 years ago that the Bush 43 administration left them with.

But the people can rest assured that the Biden administration will have the democratic "fate" on their side and bring America and its people back and have policy, plans and precedent to make it happen.  President Biden has already done more to address the pandemic problem than the previous administration and there should be no doubt the Biden administration will follow through.  The people will continue to hear the lies by the GOP and visually see their obstruction to Biden's agenda.  They will also keep up their personal attacks that began with the Newt Gingrich era.  And unfortunately the country does not have a news media willing to express how republicans are the administrations of economic recessions, minimal job creation and increasing debt.

The democratic past tells us that Biden will succeed and so will the country and its people.  And it will take place in a civil and honorable way.  The magnitude of the problems the President has inherited will not be reversed quickly, but rest assured, the change for the better will take place.  So take heart America, the future under President Biden's administration will not be like the failed past 4 years.  Man's "fate" on earth is decreed by man's own hands, and there lie the secret to man's success.  And yes, understanding the mistakes of the failed past, are the key and secret to a better future.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


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