Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Opinion Writer Froma Harrop Suggest Republicans Start A New Party

 In a opinion column in the New Orleans Advocate dated 1/11/21 titled, "The madness of King Donald and his GOP" Froma suggest it is time for the republicans to start a new party because the present one committed to Trump can not be saved.  A noble idea but Froma goes off the rails to suggest there are enough true conservatives in the present republican party to make the change.

But the facts tell us there are no real republican conservatives in congress since the Newt Gingrich era.  It has all been documented in PolitiDose commentary for the past 9 years.  Opinion writers have promoted the self serving statements by republicans that they are conservative for years even though the evidence is overwhelming they are not.  The facts tells us the democratic party has been the more fiscal party and on political and legislative matters the most productive.  Froma's statement that America needs a center-right party to rein in democratic excesses is a fairy tale.  The excesses over the past 40 years has taken place on the republican watch and that includes the last 4 years.

And once again onJanuary 20, it will fall to a democratic President Joe Biden to bring the country out of the economic recession and virus pandemic of a republican administration and its excesses.  It is nothing new of course because every republican administration has presided over an economic recession in the past 100 years.  If that is conservatism at work, the fairy tale lives on.  But the democratic party continues to be the American party who believes in the constitution, the rule of law, the democratic process and elections free from manipulation from those who believe in undermining and over turning the American voters will.

The republican party in congress and conservatism does not exist.  Its been highjacked by the party itself.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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